The worst in the EU: Hungary’s food prices outstrip those of the region

Food prices are soaring, as we have seen in the past few weeks, months. Granulated sugar in Belgium, cooking oil in Austria and milk in Germany are all cheaper than here. Moreover, part of the price boom is still ahead of us. No good news here, unfortunately.

Népszava looked at the cheapest places to shop across Europe. What they found showed that while overall, Western prices are still slightly higher than Hungarian prices in many cases, some food products are more expensive to buy in Budapest than in Belgium, Spain or Austria, for example.

Sugar, rice, oil, milk

It would be cheaper to buy sugar in Belgium, rice in Spain or France, and sunflower oil in Austria than here in Hungary. This indicates that even the poorest people in Hungary have to spend a similar amount on food as the much more affluent Austrian, German or French consumers.

Sunflower oil, for example, costs EUR 1.74 converted in Hungary. Meanwhile, in Austria, it costs EUR 1.19. Meanwhile, in Austria, it costs EUR 1.19. For 1.7 percent UHT milk, we have already beaten several countries with a price of EUR 0.9. In Spain, it costs EUR 0.78 and EUR 0.79 in Germany. At first glance, these are not big differences, Népszava writes. But if you look at the ratio to average incomes, the difference is huge.

The biggest food price explosion is in Hungary

Figures from the EU’s statistical office show that the food price explosion was by far the worst in Hungary. It reached dramatic proportions by August, and the situation has only worsened since then. Eurostat recorded an average food price increase of 14 percent in the EU in August compared to the same period last year. In Hungary, the rise was two and a half times higher at 34 percent, far outstripping the average of 15-20 percent in the region.

The most basic food saw the biggest price increase

Compared to 2015 prices, the average price of bread in the EU had risen by 30 percent by the end of the summer. Meanwhile in Hungary, by August, bread was already more than four times the EU average, 127 percent more expensive than seven years ago!

In Hungary, it is not only bread that is becoming more and more of a luxury item. In Hungary, it is not only bread that is becoming more and more of a luxury item. The same is happening with the prices of meat, eggs, fruit and vegetables, and alcoholic beverages are rising at a similar rate, about double the EU average.

Source: Népszava,


  1. Greed & Exploitation is RAMPANT.
    The GOUGING – that is occurring, being driven by the BIG name Food Suppliers, is an Abomination.
    Its likened to an EPIDEMIC – it just catches on.
    How many articles over the past (9) nine months have DNH – published on – cost of living, increase in Inflation, increase in Food Prices ?
    Citizens KNOW over-all – what has – is Going on, and that the immediate FUTURE, not helped by WINTER, increase of Inflation – the cost of living, the ABILITY to Price Manipulate /Gouge and EXPLOIT citizens, – by the BIG Name Players – will GO on – un-addressed by the Government, remembering there 27% ” stake” – who Won’t come to the aid of millions of Hungarians, who are absolutely STRETCHED – to feed them-selves and their Families.
    Don’t FALL to the PROPAGANDA line of ;
    “It’s the War staged and mounted by our Russian friends on the Ukraine, that has – continues to drive the cost of Daily life – through the roof in Hungary.”
    Don’t FALL for this WRONGLY placed Excuse – in the REASON(S) why in Hungary – we are being BLED dry – our pockets savaged/attacked – to SURVIVE.
    Hungary – you voted April 2022 the return to office of Victor Orban – the Fidesz Party.
    Do you still STAND by your Vote ?
    Do you STILL believe that Victor Orban – is the ‘Man of ALL Seasons.”
    Intestinal Fortitude – stand by your DECISION – respect that, but if you supported voted for the Orban Government, the declining position financially and economically of Hungary, just these (2) two major FACTORS – in the decline occurring throughout Hungary – SCARY.

  2. It is crazy how much more we have to spend when we go grocery shopping! Everything has more than doubled.

    Where is Orban in all of this? All he cares about is complaining about the EU sanctions imposed by Brussels and his stupid “democratic” national consultation on the sanctions. This won’t change the rampant inflation and cost of living
    Hungarians should wake up, protest and demand real measures!

  3. @Renault
    Heartily agree with you. The costs are steadily rising. The national consultation is a complete waste of money with an outcome that he already knows. Absolutely no point to it. It’s help people need, not misleading statements with extreme answer options.

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